Home English News MIC Presidential election : Nominations on May 26

MIC Presidential election : Nominations on May 26


Kuala Lumpur : MIC is set to hold the elections for the post of President, the Secretary General of the party Datuk M.Asojan said in a press statement.

The Central Working Committee has notified all Branch Chairmen and members of the Central Working Committee that the term of office of the incumbent President of Malaysian Indian Congress will be expiring on 14th July 2021.

Tan Sri G. Rajoo has been appointed as the Chairman of the Presidential Election Commitee. On Tuesday (May 11) Rajoo chaired the Presidential Election Committee with four other members, Dato Sri S.K.Devamany, Dato R.Ganesan, Datuk Selva Mookiah and Mr. S. Murugavelu.


Pursuant to Article 58.4 of the MIC Constitution, the filing of Nominations for the post of MIC President will take place on 26.5.2021 (Wednesday) from 11.00am to 1.00pm at CWC Conference Room 5th Floor, Menara Manickavasagam, No 1, Jalan Rahmat, 50350 Kuala Lumpur.

In the event of contest, voting will be held on 12.6.2021 (Saturday) from 10.00am to 4.00 pm at the venue to be decided by the Presidential Election Committee.

The candidate for the post of President will be nominated by means of a Nomination Paper in accordance to Article 58.7 of the MIC Constitution. Each Nomination Paper shall be signed by a proposer and seconder both of whom shall be either Chairman of Branch Congresses or Members of the Central Working Committee. Nomination Papers can be obtained free of charge at the MIC Headquarters or respective State Congress Offices or at the Divisional Congress Offices.

The candidate or his agent should file the Nomination Paper at the prescribed date, time and place. A candidate shall not be validly nominated unless the candidate receives at least two hundred fifty (250) nominations in compliance with Article 58.8.

As per Article 58.9 of the MIC Constitution, a person who has proposed and seconded a nomination for the post of President shall not be entitled to propose or second any other nominations whatsoever for the post of President.