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Not a squeak from DAP and PKR on PM Anwar’s use of derogatory “K” word



Not a squeak from DAP and PKR on PM Anwar’s use of derogatory “K” word

Much has been said about why PM Anwar Ibrahim should not not have uttered the derogatory word “K…g” against Indians. Knowing the word is objectionable and indeed humiliating, Anwar being the “well-liked” prime minister should have refrained from using the word.


Whether he was referring to the ancient Malay literature “Hikayat Hang Tuah” or not, there was no justifiable reason for Anwar to have used the word and later tendering his apology.

Of all the persons in the country, Anwar given his declining base of political support, should have known better. Would he have quoted the British colonial literature that used demeaning words against the Malays or Chinese?

In other words, were the Indians easy targets for contempt and ridicule?

While Anwar has apologised, there is not a word from the DAP or PKR leaders—champions of multi-racialism—on Anwar’s use of the word.

I suppose multi-racialism loses its significance when it comes to taking up the genuine concerns of Indians or others. Surely, the DAP and PKR non-Indian and Indian leaders should have come to the defence of Indians. In fact, they could politely told Anwar that the derogatory word “K…g” is no-go with the Indian community.

But alas, not a squeak from the DAP and PKR leaders. They are so afraid to offend Anwar, they chose the option of closing their mouths.

As I have mentioned earlier in my writings, DAP and PKR leaders both non-Indians as well as Indians behave like the proverbial tortoise. They prefer to withdraw their legs and heads in the protective shell to remain unperturbed by the political environment.

When things cool down, their legs and heads will make the appearance.

These leaders are fully aware that this was not the first time that Anwar had disparaged the Indian community. He had done it earlier few times. Anwar’s presiding over the conversion of an Indian youth, admonishing an Indian student for raising questions about the entry into the public universities and ignoring the appointment of an Indian Tamil as minister in the recent cabinet reshuffle are insults to the community.

When I requested the Indian deputy ministers to resign in protest, one of them gave an indirect reply saying that he believed in the multi-racialism of the Madani government.

Anwar is in many ways a lucky prime minister for having toothless and spineless non-Malay leaders in the government. With friends like these leaders, Anwar needs no enemies to bring down the government next time around.

As for the Indians, they are terribly disillusioned by the government of Anwar.

In the last state elections, about 30 percent of Indian voters deserted the government.
It would not take long, for the vast majority to say goodbye to the Madani government.

Go on, insult Indians further!