Home Nation Raja Nong Chik tables report card on Lembah Pantai, Highliting 630 avhievements

Raja Nong Chik tables report card on Lembah Pantai, Highliting 630 avhievements


Raja Nong Chik RajaKUALA LUMPUR, April 30 – The Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate for Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin today tabled his report card on Lembah Pantai, highlighting 630 of his achievements over the past four years in the constituency.

Raja Nong Chik, who is also Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister, said the report card was a clear proof of his commitment to assist the people in Lembah Pantai.

“I believe the report card is more meaningful than the numerous ceramah given by outsiders who don’t know and don’t even care about the lives of the people in Lembah Pantai,” he said while making a pledge to continue solving the problems faced by the people should they give their mandate to BN in the May 5 polls.


Accompanied by his wife, Datin Nafeesah and their son Raja Hamzah, the minister tabled the report card in front of 3,000 people in Bangsar here tonight.

Among the achievements highlighted in the report card were the implementation of the 1Malaysia Maintenance Fund, 1Wilayah Security Scheme to enhance security in housing areas, police box in strategic locations, crime laboratories, War Against Crime programme and Rela patrols.

He said the 72-page report card would also be published and distributed to over 70,000 residents of Lembah Pantai.