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Beauty is really skin deep


February 22, 2013- For many women, slowing down the changing looks of their skin includes visits to the dermatologist on top of their home care routine. Not a bad thing to consider, but do consider this. As with any invasive procedures, you should always know that any treatment comes with its fair share of risks.

Prepare yourself prior to any procedure by doing your research and asking questions. Dermatologists will not hide any information and will welcome concerns you may have. Just ensure you schedule enough time to speak to your doctor thoroughly.

skindeep_thumbFor example, some of the more popular procedures, such as mole removal, do come with side effects that many doctors may not discuss. Here are four top treatments and questions you should consider:


Mole removal. One of the simplest procedures, mole removals are done for a variety of reasons, from cosmetics purposes to prevention of cancer. A patient usually goes home without experiencing any major disruptions to their daily lives. However, ask your doctor about rare side effects, like contracting flesh-eating staph. Yes, it does sound scary, but best be prepared.

Laser treatments. These days, we tend to look to laser treatments as a cure-for-all. The truth is, they are less than perfect. The benefits however do outweigh the little post-laser nasties, such as the length of time you would need to recover from laser resurfacing. You should also be prepared for skin discolouration following a treatment and if you have darker skin, skin discolouration may even be permanent. And don’t expect immediate results. You may have to wait for 10 days or more before you can actually see the desired results.

Home care. Nothing beats taking care of you skin health from home. You will rarely find a dermatologist who will speak to you about a good diet that can boost skin’s health and glow. Ask them about what to include in the menu and they’ll be more than happy to share tips on snacking on fruits and vegetables, drinking green tea for its antioxidant benefits, and how getting enough sleep is the best remedy for tired skin.

If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is. Don’t get fooled by promises that the final outcome will meet your expectations and more. A good dermatologist will not exaggerate procedural outcome. It’s impossible to remove all your wrinkles, but it is possible to see an improved result. If your doctor predicts a questionable result, then get a second opinion.