Home Editor's Pick MIC Presidential election nomination on 21st August! 92% of the branches will...

MIC Presidential election nomination on 21st August! 92% of the branches will complete nominations to participate!


Kuala Lumpur, July 25 – MIC’s Interim CWC 2009 which met yesterday (24th July) has fixed 21st August as the date for the nominations for MIC Presidential election. In the event of a contest, election will be conducted on the 6th of September.

The MIC constitution stipulates that the President shall be elected by all the Branch Chairmen.

MIC logoAccording to MIC Headquarters, the nominations for branch congresses held on 10, 11, 12th of July witnessed a total of 2,685 Branch Chairmen filing their respective nominations.


The State Branch Election Dispute Committee which was entrusted with the task of investigating and deciding on disputes and appeals has recommended that another 260 branches be allowed file in their nominations.

The date for nomination for these branches has been fixed for 1st of August and in the event of a contest elections will be held on the 9th of August.

The Acting President of MIC Dato Seri Dr S.Subramaniam has stated that the Interim CWC 2009 was very inclusive in its approach and attempted to accommodate as many branches as possible.

The nomination process of MIC will ultimately complete branch nominations and elections for about 2,945 branches out of 3,195 duly registered MIC branches as at 2012.

This translates into 92% of the total number of duly registered branches successfully completing their branch nominations and elections, bringing MIC almost back to its original strength.