Home English News MIC: Sunther Subramaniam goes for Vice President

MIC: Sunther Subramaniam goes for Vice President


SUNTHERKuala Lumpur – Sunther Tan Sri S.Subramaniam, currently a Central Working Committee (CWC) member has announced that he will be contesting for the post of Vice President in the forthcoming MIC elections scheduled on Nov 6.

The following is the full text of the press statement released by Sunther Subramaniam on his announcement:

“Since the MIC national elections were announced, I have been receiving numerous phone calls from well-wishers and supporters asking me as to which post I intend to contest.


With the opportunity of serving as a Central Working Committee member since 2013, and having travelled extensively throughout the country to gauge members’ sentiments and expectations, I have gained notable insight and exposure on the party’s infrastructure and internal structure which has given me the confidence that I can continue to serve effectively in MIC’s mainstream politics.

During the last few years I have been also working closely to engage with the Indian community through my little contributions for their needs via Osai Foundation which has given me the opportunity to further understand the plight of the community and the myriad of problems they face.

Politically, the time has come for us to show the Indian community and party members that MIC and Barisan Nasional are still relevant and important for us to thrive and succeed in our beloved country.

MIC is still the beacon of hope

Tan Sri S.Subramaniam

MIC, still stands as beacon of hope to uplift the Indian community but politically it has to re-invent itself to prepare to face the 14th General Election and to take on the mighty opposition. We have to show that we have a new set of leaders comprising of younger generation who believe in the party and its struggles and to continue our party’s legacy and the commendable work carried out by our former leaders.

It is with these thoughts that I met several senior leaders of MIC, supporters of my father Tan Sri S.Subramaniam and MIC division leaders to seek their advice and guidance.

Contesting for Vice President

Based on their feedback and having analysed the current political scenario in MIC, I have humbly decided to offer myself as a candidate for the post of Vice President.

Since, all the 3 Vice Presidential positions are vacant in the forthcoming elections, without any incumbents, I feel this is the right time for me to move up the political ladder in the party as I will not be hurting anyone.Subramaniam

I wish to state categorically that my decision to contest for the Vice Presidency is not intended merely to seek higher office in the party hierarchy but also to offer my services to the party and the community in a meaningful and effective manner.

I also feel that with the help of my network within the party and outside the party, coupled with the tremendous support extended to me by my father’s supporters in the party, I can play a constructive role as one of the 3 Vice Presidents.

My father’s supporters in the party and the Indian community have also placed their trust and confidence in me to continue the good work and contributions of my father, Tan Sri S.Subramaniam, to the party and the Indian community.

As an elected Vice President I am also confident that I can assist and strengthen party President Dato Seri Dr S.Subramaniam who is on a mission to rebuild and restructure the party to face the new challenges.

In this regard, I wish to state that I have also conveyed my decision to party President Dato Seri Dr Subra. His unambiguous stand to give blessings to all the candidates and not to endorse any particular candidate for any positions, in order bring back the much needed democratic practices into the party, is another reason for my decision to contest for the Vice Presidency.

I believe the party delegates would welcome my candidature and extend their support. I leave it to their good judgment and wisdom whether to elect me as one of the 3 Vice Presidents.

Fellow contestants are my friends

All the aspiring candidates who have announced their candidatures for Vice Presidency are our party comrades and my friends for many years. Therefore, it is for the sake of party and community and to establish that the party returns to its democratic path that I am contesting for Vice Presidency and it is not personal against anyone.

I intend to carry out a healthy and friendly campaign without indulging in personal attacks and without casting negative aspersions on my fellow candidates. I will only put forward my plans and visions for the party and how I can contribute towards the progress of the party and the community.

With those words I humbly seek all your support and cooperation in my bid for the Vice Presidency.