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Home Remedies For Irregular Periods


28 March 2013-Missing periods can panic a woman and scare her. It could well be traumatising, especially if it is an unplanned pregnancy or a hormonal variation. A woman usually gets about 12-13 periods a year, however a few of them may get 9-10 depending on the nature of their physiology.

A variety of factors play a role in a woman’s menstrual cycle, the main being psychological and hormonal. It is said that a menses is the reflection of a woman’s mind and periods are based on the psychological state of mind of every woman. Some of the factors that could lead to a delayed or missed periods are anxiety, stress, depression, medication, lack of sleep, heavy weight activity, menopause and delayed ovulation.

x27-1364371568-img1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.UikZBqKSHPx27-1364371618-img3.jpg.pagespeed.ic.fKveslDCbIAnother important factor that manifests through stress and anxiety in the recent days is PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome) and endometriotic cysts which may skip your period. Birth control pills and other hormonal therapies can also be one of the reasons for missing periods. Other factors include irritable bowel syndrome, tuberculosis, liver disease and diabetes that can cause missed or irregular menstrual cycle. Sometimes breastfeeding mothers also experience irregular or skipped menstrual cycles but that will be restored after a point of time. However if you have missed it once or twice, it is advisable to seek medical intervention.