Home English News Hindraf’s legal advisor slams Kadir Jasin

Hindraf’s legal advisor slams Kadir Jasin


Kadir JasinKuala Lumpur – “The Malaysian public is disappointed with Datuk Kadir Jasin, the media advisor to Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. HINDRAF has been inundated with call and messages from the public from various part of the country voicing their disappointment that how come the Prime Minister’s Media Advisor can be so ill-advised and questioning if this is the end of Malaysia Baru” slammed Karthig Shan, the legal advisor of Hindraf.

“Kadir Jasin as a seasoned and veteran journalist must be aware professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility. By claiming Minister Senator P. Waytha Moorthy as a divisive character without rhyme and reason, he appears to be extending his support for ultra-groups that have created a false and misleading perception based on race and religion. As a journalist, he must be aware that accuracy of facts are pertinent to sustain one’s credibility and how is this justified when he colludes with the ultra-groups who are running a race and religion agenda that the Minister has to relinquish his position voluntary” Karthig further noted in his statement.

“Kadir Jasin’s oversimplified reasoning for the Minister to step down based on the calls from these ultra-groups clearly obscures the truth and credible journalism. The whole country is aware of the bullying tactics and fanning of the race and religion agenda of these ultra-groups and yet he chooses to partake to their agenda. As the Media Advisor for the Prime Minister, whether he says it in his personal capacity or otherwise it will create a wave and the wave among the public is, this is the beginning of the end of Malaysia Baru” Karthig said.


“For the public, Minister P. Waytha Moorthy represents part of Malaysia Baru along with his colleagues and if he is forced out from his position based on such fallacy of race and religion created by the ultra-groups, it is the beginning of the demise of Malaysia Baru. In relation to the Indian community, they see great hope and a breath of fresh air for them under the guidance of P. Waytha Moorthy. Any attempt to remove the Minister will erode the trust and faith of the Indian community under the leadership of Dr Mahathir Mohamad” Karthig Shan pointed out in his statement.