Home English News Almost RM6 million fine collected for defying MCO

Almost RM6 million fine collected for defying MCO


KUALA LUMPUR- The total fine collected from companies and individuals for defying the Movement Control Order (MCO) amounted to RM5,928,000.

The Home Ministry (KDN) announced the figure based on information obtained from the Ministry of Health (MOH) from March to June 2020.

“Police issued 11,379 compounds to individuals and companies or premises. From March 18 to June 30,  21,420 individuals were arrested and charged in court,” according a KDN written reply to a question by Teresa Kok (PH-Seputeh) posted on Parliament website.


The government declared MCO on March 18, followed by Conditional Movement Control (CMCO) since May 4 before being replaced with Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) on June 10 until Aug 31.

Following the declaration, measures were taken to coordinate the implementation of MCO apart from a series of meetings between government agencies on the implementation details, according to KDN.