Home English News PAS welcome calls by Terengganu Sultan to set aside political fanaticism

PAS welcome calls by Terengganu Sultan to set aside political fanaticism


KUALA TERENGGANU, June 18 – PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang today welcome the speech by the Sultan of Terengganu, Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, calling for the elimination of political fanaticism by all parties now that the general election is over.

SULTAN MIZAN ZAINAL ABIDINHe said it should start from the party grassroots. “I agree with what is said by the Sultan and that is what we are hoping for because after the general election, I receive many complaints on the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) not wanting to sign applications submitted by the people,” he told reporters when asked to comment on the Sultan’s speech when opening the state assembly sitting here today.

Abdul Hadi AwangQuestioned on gatherings that are still being organised by the opposition pact, Abdul Hadi said it was the people’s right.


He said it was the people’s right to know if the general election was conducted in a proper manner or otherwise.

“Indeed, improving reforms is the people’s right, but it should not stray away from the importance for peace and democracy because what is important is to preserve democracy in the best possible manner,” he added.

The Sultan, in his speech, called for members of the State Assembly to hold their meeting with respect for one another and to set aside their respective political ideology.

Abdul Hadi said the opposition members in the State Assembly would extend their cooperation when necessary.

“There are matters where we can cooperate and in certain matters, we have to criticise the government,” he added.