Home English News Government To Review Need To Send Students To Egypt

Government To Review Need To Send Students To Egypt


PUTRAJAYA, Aug 1- The government will review the need to send new students to Egypt, following the turbulence in the Middle East country.

4367754-4x3-700x525_3Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman (photo)  said this review would be made for students who received government scholarship.

“In this regard, the ministry advises other agencies to take the same measure until the situation (in Egypt) returns to normal,” he told reporters after breaking fast at the ministry, here, Wednesday.


egypt-morsi-detained-hamas-He said the Cabinet had discussed the matter for further action since currently 3,385 Malaysian students are still in Egypt.

On the relation of Malaysia with the Egypt’s interim government, Anifah said the government would not interfere in the affairs of the country.

“Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had also stated Malaysia’s stand that the people of Egypt should be given an opportunity to solve their problems by themselves without outside interference,” he said.

Asked if the issue of Shia teachings in the country would affect bilateral relations with the government of Iran, he said ties between the two governments was still cordial.