Home English News Honey, the skin saviour

Honey, the skin saviour


SEPT 12- Honey is seen as an ideal natural ingredient to do away with skin dryness and there is more to this sweet kitchen ingredient.

Make honey part of your beauty regime to get natural glow, reports huffingtonpost.com.

manuka-honey-skinUsage of honey:-


Facial scrub

Women with sensitive skin can prepare a face mask made of honey, brown sugar, olive oil and lemon juice.

It’s less abrasive, yet removes dead skin cells to reveal a smoother and more vibrant complexion.

Hair removal

Mix honey and lemon juice and pour into a sugaring wax that’s safe to use on your body. This will remove hair and also make your skin soft.


To make the scars leave your side, apply raw honey on the affected areas before bed and cover with a bandage.

In the morning, remove the cover-up and cleanse the skin.

Bath treatment

Take bath with milk and honey. The alpha hydroxy acids in milk breaks down dry and flaky skin, while the enzymes in honey softens skin.


Honey helps to soothe sunburns. You just need to dab on a little honey on skin.

Chapped lips

Mix honey, brown sugar and olive oil, and apply on your lips. This mixture will moisturise chappy lips.