Home English News Husam Wants To See Hadi Awang Become PM

Husam Wants To See Hadi Awang Become PM


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Shah Alam, Nov 24 – PAS must make it its agenda to see party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang become the prime minister of Malaysia, said PAS vice president Datuk Husam Musa.

“I want to see Ustaz Hadi become Prime Minister before he dies, even if it is just for one day,” he said when winding up debate at PAS’ 59th Muktamar at here today.


His speech was received with a resounding applause from the delegates gathered.

Meanwhile, PAS’ Dewan Ulama (Council of Religious Elders) vice head Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamad, in his winding up speech, reiterated that the party review Tahaluf Siyasi (political cooperation) with its partners in the Pakatan Rakyat.

He said if the Tahaluf Siyasi was satisfactory, the Dewan Ulama would give its full backing.

At the Dewan Ulama’s 52nd Muktamar on Thursday, its head Datuk Harun Taib had called for the top leadership of PAS to review Tahaluf Siyasi with its partners in the Pakatan Rakyat, namely DAP and PKR, following DAP chairman Karpal Singh making a suggestion that race and religious based parties be banned in the country.

At today’s Muktamar, PAS Central Working Committee (CWC) member Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad in presenting his report on the 13th General Election (GE13) that was held on May 5, said Malay support for PAS dropped by two per cent as compared with (GE12) while PKR saw a seven per cent drop in Malay support.

However, the DAP saw Malay support increasing by two per cent, he said, adding that support from Malay women (for PAS) was in the region of 30 to 35 per cent while from Malay youths the figure stood at around 45 per cent.

PAS’ Dewan Muslimat (Women’s Wing) head Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff, in her winding up speech, said the wing regretted that there were among party members who deemed it to be “haram” (forbidden in Islam) to vote for the party’s women candidates in GE13.

“This is in conflict with the decision of the Syura Council (PAS’s highest decision making body) allowing women to be candidates. So I hope there will be an end to this,” she said.

PAS deputy president Mohammad Sabu, in his winding up speech, said PAS “could not go it alone” and needed its Pakatan partners to “spread its wings” as otherwise the party could only be active in Kelantan and Terengganu.

“Under the Pakatan Rakyat banner, we have made inroads in Selangor and God willing, we will penetrate Umno’s stronghold Johor,” he said.

PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali in his winding speech urged members not to lose faith on the party’s role in the opposition pact.

“This is because were are still involved in policymaking and decisions made by the Pakatan Rakyat through its Supreme Council,” he said, denying that PAS was a mere “passenger” in the pact.

On complaints about “parachute” candidates brought up by delegates, Mustafa said they had to be party members of the constituencies concerned before they could be selected.

The Muktamar themed ‘Rahmat Untuk Semua’ (Blessings for All) was attended by 1,129 delegates.
