Home Editor's Pick Mobile applications for public complaints in future – Paul Low

Mobile applications for public complaints in future – Paul Low


PUTRAJAYA, October 10 – The public may be able to lodge complaints in relation to government services via their mobile phones in the future, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan.

He said the best way to get the public to participate in the government’s transformation initiative was to use technology, including mobile app (mobile application).


“Mobile application is much easier because everyone has a phone. So the (mobile) phone will be like the (complaint) counter,” Low said after launching a new complaints management system known as Sistem Pengurusan Aduan Awam (Sispaa) during the Public Complaints Management Seminar 2014 at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre here today.

He said he hoped the utilisation of technology like online systems would be able to improve the speed and the eficiency of complaints management.Low said a complaint provides an opportunity for the government to re-evaluate its services and make the necessary improvements to eradicate malpractices.

He said without a channel for the public to share government room for improvement, the government might fall into a dangerous state of complacency which creates a comfort zone that inhibits government ability to face unforeseen challenges or crisis.

Elaborating on Sispaa, Low said it was a comprehensive complaints management system to expedite complaints resolution, provide real time monitoring while allowing complainants to check on the status of their complaints.

Meanwhile, Public Complaints Bureau director-general Datuk Mahani Tan Abdullah in her speech said a new circular outline several significant changes aimed at stregnhthenin ministries and government agencies in managing complaints would be issued next month.

She explained that the bureau’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for complaints resolution as of Oct 8 this year was 90.9 per cent while the KPI for complaints resolved within 15 days was 65.7 per cent.

“This statistics are better than those for 2013 where the figures were  96.7 per cent (till Dec 31, 2013) and 53.1 respectively,” she added.