Home Editor's Pick Sangam Keyboards app for iOS adds 7 more Indian languages!

Sangam Keyboards app for iOS adds 7 more Indian languages!


unnamedKuala Lumpur, December 12 – When Apple announced iOS 8 in June this year, one of the major features highlighted was the ability for developers to add custom keyboards.

While this feature was already available on Android a few years ago, many developers welcomed Apple’s idea of adding custom keyboards. This has enabled many developers to port their existing keyboards on Android into iOS.

During the recent iPhone 6 launch, Apple showed off a number of custom keyboards, some for very remote languages, added to their platform in their App Store.


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Sangam, the keyboard suite developed by Muthu Nedumaran from Malaysia was launched on the same day iOS 8 was released to public. The first version of this app had support for 4 Indian languages: Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.

Muthu Nedumaran is also the technology architect of Selliyal and Sellinam platforms.

Today, Sangam receives its very first update, version 1.2, since its introduction. The new version has  added seven more Indian languages: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya and Punjabi. In addition, it includes native support for iPads and the new iPhone 6 and 6 plus screen sizes.

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All of the keyboards in Sangam will include predictions and auto-corrections.

The original set of four keyboards (namely Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu) also see the addition of ‘Anjal-Style’ inputs that map letters based on the sound of keys in the English keyboard.

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Sangam 1.2 is available from the App Store at (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sangam-keyboards/id910182628?ls=1&mt=8) as a free download.