Home Editor's Pick Zuckerberg asks Facebook users to give him a New Year resolution!

Zuckerberg asks Facebook users to give him a New Year resolution!


mark-zuckerberg-grc3bcnder-und-ceo-von-facebookNew Delhi, January 2 – At the beginning of every year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decides to do something unique. But this year he is yet to reveal what is this unique thing he is going to in 2015. Instead, for now he wants Facebook users to give him a challenge.

In a post on his Facebook page, Zuckerberg wrote , “I’m crowdsourcing ideas for my (2015) personal challenge. For background, every year I take on a challenge to broaden my perspective and learn something about the world beyond my work at Facebook.”

He added, “I have an idea of what my next challenge might be, but I’m open to more ideas before the new year officially begins. So share your ideas here!” He also talks about his earlier New Year resolutions.


Earlier, he said, he sent himself unique challenges such as “learning to speak Mandarin” and “being a vegetarian (or only eating meat if I killed the animal myself)”. While most people give up on their New Year resolutions after a few weeks, Zuckerberg has shown in the past that once he decides to do something he tends to stick to it.

mark-zuckerberg-peopleRecently, he surprised everyone after he conducted a whole Q&A session at a Chinese university in Mandarin .  While experts said that he spoke basic Mandarin and made a lot of grammatical errors, the fact that he managed to speak it for over half an hour without resorting to English was lauded and appreciated, especially in China. Mandarin is a particular tough language to learn.

In the past, Zuckerberg’s New Year resolutions had also included, “meeting one new person who doesn’t work at Facebook every day”, “writing a thank you note each day to someone who made the world better” and “wearing a tie every day”.