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Ways To Ease Night Time Body Aches

30 April 2013-Night time body ache is a cause of distress for a majority of people. It seems that in the evenings when people...

Belief in benefits of healthy lifestyle key to good health

Washington, April 29, 2013 - A new survey at The Ohio State University has supported what previous research has shown to be true- people, who...

Healthy Ways To Have Milk

29 April 2013-Milk is one of the most nutritious foods ever. It is protein rich and also contains lots of calcium. Milk proteins are...

12 Oral Hygiene Tips That We Ignore

26 April 2013-Oral hygiene is the most underrated aspect of our health care. We are worried about minor headaches or putting on few extra...

Too Much Water Harmful For Kidneys

25 April 2013-We are always told by doctors that drinking lots of water is good for the body. Water flushes out the toxins from...

Indisputable Health Benefits Of Running

Running is like meditation for many people. Some die hard fans of running confess that it helps them concentrate and also release stress. Even...

20 Veg Foods That Increase Stamina

23 April 2013-Stamina is always associated with eggs and meat. Naturally, foods that increase stamina are supposed to be non-vegetarian. However, many vegetarian are...

Why Salads Are Good For Weight Loss

21 April 2013-Having salads is the fastest way to weight loss. That is a universally accepted fact. But have you ever stopped to ponder...

Reasons You Need Regular Blood Tests

Many people are scared of blood tests and try to avoid them at all costs. However, avoiding regular blood tests may not be the...

Aerobic exercise can curb hunger: study

New York, April 18, 2013 -Aerobic exercise that involves vertical movements of the body such as rope-skipping can curb feelings of hunger and fatty food...