Home English News “Solve Seafield Mariamman temple issue or resign” MIC Youth challenges Ganabatirau

“Solve Seafield Mariamman temple issue or resign” MIC Youth challenges Ganabatirau



Kuala Lumpur – The national MIC Youth movement has slammed the easy going nature practiced by PKR led government in Selangor state for neglecting the issues faced by the Indian community especially the recent events and twists on the Seafield Mariamman temple issue.

“We are extremely disappointed with EXCO member V Ganabatirau (pic) who is supposed to address the needs of the Indians but has failed over the years. Several times, PKR and its EXCO member Ganabatirau had let down the Indians in the Selangor state especially when it comes to temple demolition issues, breaking cow shed, Indian restaurants and street stalls” said Arvind Krishnan, the national secretary of MIC’s Youth wing.


ARVIND-KRISHNAN“They have even demolished a shrine in Sepang which comes under Sepang Municipal Council. Even in Bangi a temple was summoned for ringing its temple bell. However, none of the Indian opposition leaders came forward to help these temple issues” Arvind (pic) said.

“Before 2008, Hindraf including Ganabatirau were campaigning against then Barisan Nasional state government due to the Padang Jawa Hindu temple demolition. A similar situation is now faced by the Seafield Hindu temple. But now when Ganabatirau is in power, he is keeping quiet! Has the EXCO position’s power has closed his eyes by not having the heart to help the Indians?” asked Arvind.

MIC Youth movement statement also stated that Ganabathirau as an EXCO member should have come forward during the protests staged by the devotees to listen to their woes.

“Don’t just warm your chair and giving out press conference at secretariat building. Don’t twist your statement for the benefit of holding office. Help the people. Ganabathirau cannot wash his hands off by claiming the state government got no powers to negotiate with the developer. The state government has all the powers to stop the development order. We want the Pakatan Harapan state government to re-consider its decision to relocate the 126 year old temple. There is also an old auspicious Banyan tree (alamaram) in the temple for almost 126 years. It is also part of our heritage” Arvind noted in his statement.

“In comparison look at the temples at Mid Valley shopping mall and Jalan P Ramlee behind Menara Weld. Both were under DBKL. Barisan Nasional government after negotiating with the developers allowed the temples to exist at the same place despite serious challenges. PKR should not succumb to the developer’s pressure” Arvind said.

“MIC and other NGOs as well as the devotees will join hands together to ensure that the temple will not be located and that the state government gazette the area for the respective temple. We pressure and demand Ganabatirau to get the state-government to secure the existing place for the historic temple” Arvind urged in his statement on behalf of the MIC Youth Wing.