Home World Indian minister of civil aviation visits Singapore

Indian minister of civil aviation visits Singapore


ajit_singh_20111219SINGAPORE, April 2 – Minister of Civil Aviation of the Republic of India, Shri Ajit Singh is on a visit to Singapore from Tuesday to Thursday, at Singapore’s invitation.  Singh met with Lui Tuck Yew, Singapore’s Minister for Transport, to exchange views on air transport issues, said a statement from the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Trade and Industry.

As demand for air services between both countries continues to grow, the bilateral air services agreement was enhanced to include more capacity entitlements.  As part of the enhancement of the agreement, both countries also agreed to meet regularly to review air services matters.

Singh and senior officials from the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation and Directorate General of Civil Aviation will also meet with S Iswaran, Singapore’s Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Trade & Industry and Home Affairs. They will discuss the importance of air connectivity in enhancing bilateral trade ties between India and Singapore.
