George Town: In a media statement released yesterday (Tuesday 25 March) Senator Dr Lingeshwaran Arunasalam plauded the efforts undertaken by Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo (pic) and Minister in Prime Minister Department for Federal Teritories, Datuk Seri Dr Zaliha Mustafa on finding an amicable solution to the sensitive issues related to Dewi Sri Pathrakaliamman temple in Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur.
“I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to YB Gobind Singh Deo, Digital Minister incumbent DAP National Chairperson and YB Datuk Seri Dr. Zaliha binti Mustafa (pic), Minister at the Prime Minister’s Department (Federal Territory), for their leadership and commitment in resolving the issue of relocation of Sri Pathra Kaliamman Temple located in Jalan Masjid India,Kuala Lumpur” Lingeshwaran said in his media statement.
“As a leader with a people’s soul, Gobind Singh Deo has played a crucial role in ensuring fair and harmonious settlement in line with the principles of religious freedom and the values of unity which are the foundation of our nation-building. I am confident that under his leadership, DAP party will continue to be a progressive party in fighting for the rights of the people and the welfare of the masses” Lingeshwaran (pic) noted.
“At the same time, I would also like to express a million thanks to YB Datuk Seri Dr. Zaliha binti Mustafa for her efforts in ensuring the resolution of this issue runs smoothly and harmoniously. Her commitment to defending religious freedom and respecting community sensitivity is a testament to leadership based on justice and common welfare. The resolution to this issue is the result of the close cooperation between all parties involved, reflecting the MADANI Government’s concern in maintaining harmony and social stability in the country. I call on all parties to continue supporting unity efforts and avoid any form of manipulation and provocation that may affect the harmony of society” Lingeshwaran reiterated in his statement.