Home Nation Kg simunul deadly ambush linked to Lahad Datu intrusion – Hishammuddin

Kg simunul deadly ambush linked to Lahad Datu intrusion – Hishammuddin


SEMPORNA, March 13 – Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein(Pic) has confirmed that an ambush that killed six policemen in Kampung Simunul here on March 2 was linked to the Lahad Datu intrusion by Sulu terrorists.

hishamudin KDN

“The deadly ambush was not an isolated act, but linked to the Sulu terrorists landing in Lahad Datu on Feb 12,” he told reporters after meeting residents of Kampung Senallang Lama near here, the scene of a terrorist beaten to death by villagers, today.


In the Kampung Simunul incident, a group of policemen were attacked as they entered the water village after checking on information on the presence of an armed group at 8 pm.  In the ensuing gun battle, six terrorists were killed.  On the arrests of 97 people suspected of either allegedly abetting or directly involved with the Sulu terrorists, Hishammuddin said they were still being investigated under new acts related to terrorism.

“If action is not taken now, more people will be killed,” he said, adding Ops Daulat showed the government’s seriousness in maintaining peace and security.