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“We were asked 250k for edu-talk and appearance – we stand by our statement and have evidence” – Arun Dorasamy replies!


SuriyaKuala Lumpur – To clarify matters with regard to the reply from actor Suriya that ‘he was not aware of the invitation extended to him’ for the Maha Hindu Youth Unity Festival, Arun Dorasamy, one of the organisers, has released his official press statement as promised.

His press statement was posted in his facebook page.

The following is the full text of his press statement:-



It is a historical effort to put together by 8 Hindu NGOS called “ SUPER 8” and it is full machinery by our very own ignited Malaysian Hindu Youths to charge to change the course of future – “Impossible Made Possible “ – via MAHA HINDU YOUTH VISION 2020. VEL VEL VETRI VEL!

Arun Dorasamy-Hindu Convesion Action teamSome might be asking why we took 2 days to respond to Surya ji. The answer is we are super busy preparing for the mega event. I am sure many can imagine the amount of preparation, financial support, task coordination, formalities, volunteers as the task is monumental.

MAHA will not waiver or be threatened…

Surya’s controversy is totally uncalled for at the time we are trying to put off the controversy. MAHA HINDU UNITY FEST 2016 is nearing with only 13 days left for “GEGAR MALAYSIA”; however, the over-reacting Surya’s camp is fueling and igniting the NEWS WITH MORE RECKLESS STATEMENTS and actions. MAHA will not waiver nor will we be threatened. We fear no one but God.

This is the MAHA’s first PRESS STATEMENT, since the “money talks” broke out about 3 weeks ago – exactly 21 days. We try not to feed the public and social frenzy nor will we allow any adverse publicity about MAHA VELVI, HINDU NGOs or the pandavas in any form or shape.

Maha Hindu Youth unity fetival-websiteFirst of all, we must thank Agaram Foundation and Surya ji for coming out with Press Statement immediately based on social media postings and with non-investigated info. However, the statement was merely dismissing the knowledge of the event, defaming MAHA HINDU ILAINYAR ELICHI VELVIL 2016 and threatening with legal action. MAHA feels such rhetoric is reckless and “shameful”.

NO ONE from SURYA’S CAMP ATTEMPTED TO CONNECT to seek info or clarification at all or even bothered to find out the money issue of 54 Lakhs (approximately RM250,000) : We Malaysian Hindu Youths are not up for publicity game or making up stories for popularity. Why would we? But Surya ji become so defensive to safeguard his brand; This could be very well “whack the dog” strategy from his own “ non-voting” controversy that are going on right now in India.

“We are ready to face consequences”

Now, that he started to defame MAHA VELVI 2016, we Malaysian Hindu Youths and MAHA VELVI team on the ground are ready to take on Actor Surya respectfully but firmly on this matter and dismiss categorically his claim that he has no knowledge of the event.

We understand, Surya ji has no option but to deny it; what are we expecting from him?; to admit and say yes?Maha Hindu Youth Unity festival-logoMAHA VELVI expected this and not at all surprised by it. Surya ji should have asked his Agaram Team that directed us to directly to deal with Surya ji and gave us the contact of his Manager and the story goes on and on since Feb 2016.

MAHA VELVI 2016 also surprised and disappointed with actor Surya’s statement that reflect his sentiment on RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION. It is a shame a HINDU feel insecure to attend a HINDU event and that says a lot about that person. We, the HINDU NGOs certainly reprimand him for this statement.

“We are ready to face legal suits and will  file counter-suits in Malaysia if necessary”

Surya’s Manager in a statement released today says he will file a defamation case on Monday in Chennai Court.

MAHA VELVI 2016 WILL ALSO FILE COUNTER DEFAMATION LAWSUIT IN MALAYSIAN COURT, MAKING POLICE REPORT AGAINST ACTOR SURYA AND WILL PURSUE ALL THE OTHER LEGAL MEANS POSSIBLE, unless Surya’s camp comes to sense and ready to put the controversy to rest. Even though, we are NGOs but we are not weak or fearful.

We stand on the side of DHARMA and we are HINDU YOUTHS OF MALAYSIA. We have been getting many calls from many of actor Surya’s friends, and acquaintances; many of them asking us to leave the controversy and move on. Including Datin Seri Indhirani (wife of former MIC President Datuk Seri Utama S.Samy Vellu).

Of course, we are moving forward because we have a mega event to organize but when Surya’s camp is threatening with a lawsuit, defaming, and belittling Malaysian Hindu NGOs, than MAHA Velvi will not waiver in hitting them back even harder.

We thank thousands of Malaysian Hindu Youths rallying behind us and standing UNITED, I am sure MAHA VELVI in 13 days’ time will be the greatest showcase of UNITY by MALAYSIAN HINDU YOUTHS.

“We have all the evidence and documents”

We ask all the other NGOs in Malaysia or anywhere else to come out and share their payment ordeals with Stars attending their charity or community events. Let it be a lesson learned! Actually, we were ready to throw all evidence to the public but now, since, we are planning on filling court case, MAHA VELVI 2016’s legal advisors have advised us to keep all the evidence away till it is advised otherwise. That all including, phone records, dates, names, passport copies and phone numbers, faxes, courier slips (Malaysia & India), fight tickets, WhatsApp trails and emails exchanges.

MAHA stand by that we were asked RM250,000 for the “Edu Talk” appearance and we were told that there is no consideration for charity or commercial event. Mr. Surya’s Manager, Event Agents and Agaram Foundation were totally aware of the event. We must reiterate no money have exchange at all to date, as we were quick to dismiss the deal and I agree with Mr Surya, MAHA VELVI 2016 did not pay him any amount to date. We intend not to further escalate the matter and it is up to Surya’s camp now.

Gurji Ravi Shankar attending Maha Velvi


MAHA VELVI 2016’s Education Talk will be presenting a well learned and humble soul by Dr. Vicky from Cambridge, United Kingdom on – Youth & Education. MAHA also intend to clarify NO MONEY was paid for Swamy Gurudev Sri Sri ravi Sankar (pic) and any of our very own local artists.

I thank all for their goodwill gestures especially Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Sankar who is bearing all the traveling cost by himself and has been super loving.

We invite all to put aside the controversy including Surya fans, let’s join and celebrate unity and we must agree to disagree. MAHA VELVI is the “UNITY TSUNAMI of HINDU YOUTHS of MALAYSIA “THERANDHU VARUVEER”

I thank all those supporting us and we love all those who are bashing, doubting and shaming us. God Knows the Best !!

MAHA VELVI will be hosting its Press conference on Wednesday Next week.

Valgha Valamudhan”