Home English News Mixing wholegrains with sugary foods makes you gassy

Mixing wholegrains with sugary foods makes you gassy


A slice of wholegrain bread and fresh orange juice might be healthy, but it can also make you feel bloated.

This is because the combination of fibre and sugar leads to more gas being built up in the stomach, according to pharmacists.

People with sensitive digestion should avoid combining wholegrain products with sugary foods, including fruits and juices.


bread-whole grain

A slice of whole-grain bread and fresh orange juice might be healthy for you, but it could also cause more bloating. (File photo credit: “Patrick Pleul / dpa”.)

A fibre-rich diet is popular among many health-conscious individuals for its ability to help maintain a healthy weight while stimulating the intestines.

But many such people find themselves with significantly more gas when eating wholegrain foods together with sugar. It’s best to slowly add these into your diet if you are not used to eating them.

Many people report fennel, anise and caraway tea help reduce the amount of gas produced when eating whole grains.
