Home English News Sri Lanka showing mixed results in meeting MDGs: ADB

Sri Lanka showing mixed results in meeting MDGs: ADB


sri-langkaCOLOMBO, May 28 – Sri Lanka is facing mixed results in its progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said. Out of 21 broader goals, Sri Lanka has progressed to an early achiever on 11 while remaining on track on four goals, Xinhua news agency ADB as saying in a report.

However, on forest cover and CO2 emissions, Sri Lanka is regressing and progress on four goals is slow.  From total funds approved, 21 percent has been assigned for water supply and sanitation in Sri Lanka, with developments on track. The Sri Lankan government uses the MDGs as a measure for putting the island ahead of its neighbours and to show sustainable and equitable development.

However, poor education, better nutrition for children under five and environmental conservation have brought new challenges in recent years. Adoption of the MDGs by governments in Asia and the Pacific offer great promise for focusing attention on the poor and accelerating socioeconomic development.


Among the eight MDGs are targets to halve the number of people living in extreme poverty, attain universal primary education, and promote environmental sustainability.