Home English News Younger generation should be given opportunity to contest branch, division posts

Younger generation should be given opportunity to contest branch, division posts


LUMUT, June 8 – The younger generation should be given the opportunity to contest for posts at branch and division level to ensure the continuity of the Umno struggle.

HishammuddinUmno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said Umno must go  through the process of transformation to make it is a more inclusive party.

“I hope Umno leaders will give the younger generation the opportunity to contest for posts at branch meetings next month,” he told reporters during a visit to the Royal Malaysian Navy base here today.


On the proposal that the post of Umno president and deputy president be uncontested, Hishammuddin said he supported whatever approach taken to ensure Umno continues to remain strong.

“Umno delegates will have the final say because they can determine the rise and fall of party leaders,” said the Defence Minister.