Home Business Satellite Data confirm no fire at Sime Darby Plantations in Indonesia

Satellite Data confirm no fire at Sime Darby Plantations in Indonesia


KUALA LUMPUR, June 27- Sime Darby Plantations today confirmed that no fires occurred in its plantation areas in Indonesia.

The multinational company today said it has reviewed hotspot data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the period of May 25 to June 25, and overlaid the company’s own global positioning system map of the concession areas under PT Tunggal Mitra Plantation (PT TMP) and PT Bhumireksa Nusa Sejati (PT BNS) in Riau, Indonesia.

“When matching the hotspot data and the map of the concession areas showed that all hotspots were outside PT TMP’s concessions,” it said in a statement here.


sime-darby It said there were three hotspots within PT BNS’ concession areas but located outside the company’s operating area as the areas were local communities, who occupied and planted both cash crops such as corn, sugarcane and pineapple as well as perennial crops such as coconut and areca nuts.

Sime Darby Plantation explained that the NASA satellite had outdated information on the company’s land concession areas, which had been reduced after the final land licensing process was concluded.

“The NASA satellite showed PT BNS’ concession area as 180,392 hectares when it is in fact only 25,662 hectares. Of this, 18,688 hectares are the actual planted area, 1,530 hectares, the company’s residential and development areas.

“The remaining land is now mostly occupied by local communities,” adding there were also discrepancies with regard to PT TMP’s concession area.

Data from the NASA satellite stated the size of the company’s concession area as 38,473 hectares whereas the actual concession is only 13,836 hectares, out of which 2,474 hectares is occupied by local communities, it said.

Sime Darby Plantations would publish and submit these findings to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil as requested.

Nevertheless, Sime Darby Plantation and its companies (PT TMP and PT BNS) would continue to cooperate with local authorities to manage any hotspots and fires in the interest of its workers, the general public and the environment, it said.

The multinational also reiterated its commitment to the zero burning policy throughout all its operation worldwide.

On Friday, the Prime Minister’s office in a statement called on Malaysian-owned companies operating in Indonesia to abide by all local laws and regulations, and ensure they do not contribute to environmental degradation.

The burning in Riau had caused health hazardous haze blanketing several nations including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.