Home English News Denmark gives US$2 million to help Gaza civilians

Denmark gives US$2 million to help Gaza civilians


Staatkundig_cs3COPENHAGEN, July 19 — The Danish government on Friday announced 11 million kroner (US$2 million) in emergency aid to civilians affected by the
ongoing conflict in Gaza, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Ministry of Trade and Development Cooperation in announcing this said that violence between Gaza and Israel “has unbearable costs for innocent people.”
“Almost half of Gaza’s population is lacking water, hospitals and aid organisations are without sufficient medicines to treat the injured and save lives,” said minister Mogens Jensen in a statement.

The announcement came shortly after Israel instituted a military ground campaign after peace talks in Cairo failed to reach a breakthrough. The money will be chanelled towards ambulances, medicines and mental health support, boosting water supply in Gaza and ensuring that humanitarian laws are protected in war-torn areas.


denmOn July 8, Israel started an all-out aerial operation dubbed “Protective Edge” to stop rocket attacks from Gaza. The operation has killed more than 260 Palestinians and injured at least 1,700 people. On Wednesday and Thursday, more than 1,000 demonstrators gathered at the Town Hall in Copenhagen to show support for civilians in Gaza.