Home Business Singapore’s largest Supermarket chain introduces new online shopping service

Singapore’s largest Supermarket chain introduces new online shopping service


Fair Price SingaporeSINGAPORE, Sept 3 — NTUC FairPrice, Singapore’s largest supermarket chain, on Wednesday introduced a new online shopping service allowing shoppers to buy items online and collect them at stores.

Customers can now collect their online purchases at any time for 3 Singapore dollars (US$2.4) from seven of the chain’s outlets, Xinhua news agency reported.

FairPrice said it is hoping to expand the service to 20 more stores by next year to help customers avoid long queues and obtain items which may be not be available at all stores.


The service comes after the company received feedback about its home delivery services which could be troublesome when no one is at home to receive items.

“Demand for purchases through our FairPrice Online store has been on the increase,” said Seah Kian Peng, chief executive officer of NTUC FairPrice.

“We wanted to extend our service by providing an alternative to customers who might not have anyone at home to receive their orders,” said Seah.