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Tag: Anwar Ibrahim

PM – “In upholding meritocracy, don’t forget those who are poor...

Putra Jaya : Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim reminded Malaysians that while meritocracy should be upheld to encourage the brightest and best, we...

“Mitra is an insult to Indians” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, CHAIRMAN URIMAI PARTY Mitra is an insult to Indians What is the big deal of where the Malaysian Indian Transformation Unit (...

“Insults against Indians will never end” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, INTERIM COUNCIL CHAIRMAN, URIMAI PARTY Insults against Indians will never end Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has apologised for the use of...

“MIC should have criticised PM Anwar for ignoring Indian leaders” –...

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, CHAIRMAN, URIMAI PARTY INTERIM COUNCIL In the recent cabinet reshuffle, the MIC was not given a place as was promised by...

Anwar Ibrahim roasted by Tamil Media over Cabinet reshuffle

Kuala Lumpur : In Malaysia, the country's three Tamil newspapers are known for their diverse political backgrounds and policies, never coming together or joining...

PM Anwar’s Madani govt has betrayed Indians – Ramasamy

MEDIA STATEMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, PRO-TEM CHAIRMAN OF URIMAI PARTY PM Anwar’s Madani govt has betrayed Indians Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has proven beyond any...

“Cabinet reshuffle: Much ado about nothing” – Ramasamy

COMMENT  BY PROF DR.P.RAMASMAY, PRO TEM CHAIRMAN OF URIMAI PARTY Cabinet reshuffle: Much ado about nothing The much anticipated cabinet reshuffle is finally over. However, whether...

“Acceptance of “Gang of Four” has ended the reforms of Anwar...

COMMENT BY PROF DR.P.RAMASAMY, FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Acceptance of “Gang of Four” has ended the reforms of Anwar government What reform agenda are we...

PMX mengucapkan Selamat Hari Deepavali

KENYATAAN MEDIA YAB PERDANA MENTERI Selamat Hari Deepavali kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Hindu. Deepavali yang diraikan sebagai ‘pesta cahaya’ adalah simbolik kemenangan cahaya...

Cabinet reshuffle or not, collateral damage needs to be averted

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Cabinet reshuffle or not, collateral damage needs to be averted I don’t think that Prime Minister Anwar...