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Tag: Ramasamy (Former DCM II PENANG)

“Returning to Putrajaya means a sense of deja vu for PH”...

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Returning to Putrajaya means a sense of deja vu for PH The Yang Dipertuan...

“Emergence of opposition among professors augurs well for PH” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Emergence of opposition among professors augurs well for PH I am proud that my former...

“Beyond race and religion & GE 15” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Beyond race and religion It has been rightly pointed out that the non-Malays have...

‘Sour grapes Mahathir’ – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Sour grapes Mahathir Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA) chairman and twice former prime minister...

“Indians, kingmakers or victims of institutional racism?” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Indians, kingmakers or victims of institutional racism? Are Indians in the country only kingmakers during...

“How association with UMNO will advance betterment of Indian community?” –...

George Town : Commenting on the political stand taken by P.Waythamoorthy, Penang Deputy Chief Minister II, Prof Dr P.Ramasamy said he could not understand...

“Charles Santiago will be in our midst” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Charles Santiago will be in our midst I understand that the former member of...

“Thomas might be laughing his way to bank” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Thomas might be laughing his way to bank There are so many outstanding and...

“Didn’t PAS associate with “communist” DAP in PR?” – asks Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Didn’t PAS associate with “communist” DAP in PR PAS supremo and president Abdul Hadi Awang...

“Dissolution of Parliament or ignominy of despair” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Dissolution of Parliament or ignominy of despair It is completely preposterous for Umno to have...