Home Lifestyle Diet that prevents cancer

Diet that prevents cancer


March 19,2013-Listen up, guys. A diet rich in flavonoids-plant compounds found in fruits and veggies like oranges, grapes and spinach- ahelps protect against a form of prostate cancer.

A study found that men whose diets were rich in flavonoid-containing foods were 25% less likely to have fast-growing tumours, says Susan Steck, PhD, RD, associate professor at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina.

prostrate_031813114132The same diet may prevent prostate cancer from developing in the first place. “Flavonoids act as antioxidants, which help eliminate cancer-promoting free radicals and have anti-proliferative properties (prevent cancer cells from growing and multiplying),” says Thomas J. Guzzo, MD, assistant professor of urology at the University of Pennsylvania. Guzzo also advises eating fruits and veggies, such as tomatoes and watermelon that are rich in lycopene. This anti-oxidant has a similar anti-cancer effect.
