Home Nation Apply opposition ‘Ubah’ slogan to change Selangor government – Muhyiddin

Apply opposition ‘Ubah’ slogan to change Selangor government – Muhyiddin


MuhyiddinKUALA LUMPUR, April 24  – Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin wants Selangor  people to apply the opposition’s “ubah” (change) slogan by returning the state administration to Barisan Nasional (BN).

“In Selangor, we take the opposition slogan and return it to them by returning the state administration to BN,” he told an election rally for Petaling Jaya Selatan constituency near here tonight.

The Deputy Prime Minister said only the BN government could guarantee continued economic, social and cultural development of the country. He drew the attention of voters to the opposition inability to manage the economy when they presented an impractical election manifesto.


For example, the opposition promised a minimum wage of RM1,200 monthly which if implemented will burden the employers and cause many companies to wind up.

“We have implemented minimum wage of RM900 monthly but some employers still  appeal against it. Imposing minimum of RM1,200 monthly will force many factories to close down and retrench workers.”

Another proof that the opposition was incapable of managing the economy was the promise to reduce fuel prices which the government had done by giving subsidies.

“We give RM2 billion monthly and RM24 billion annually in subsidies to ensure that the people are not burdened.”
Muhyiddin said implementation of the opposition manifesto will push the deficit from 4.5 percent to 11 percent and make Malaysia bankrupt within two years.

“When the deficit rises to 11 percent, our rating will fall and foreign investors will stop coming thus stunting economic development and the people will lose jobs.”