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Kareena Kapoor releases style diary


Mumbai, February 7, 2013-It is quite a responsibility to always be stylish, actress Kareena Kapoor said at the launch of her book- The Style Diary of a Bollywood Diva here Wednesday.

She also said the book had something for everyone. “There is something for people from 14 to 35 years. My husband is 40 plus so there has to be something for the 40 plus,” Kareena, who co-wrote the book with Rochelle Pinto, said.

The book has Kareena’s take on styling and has been published by Shobhaa De Books and Penguin India.


Photo 19 Dec 2012 14-10“When (writer Shobhaa) De called me for this book, I thought I might write a book when I’m 60. What if something more interesting happens 20 years later? But she said it was going to be a style diary.

“Then I realised: ‘Yes, I’m stylish and I should take the compliment. I took the responsibility of how it feels like to be a style diva,” she said.

She said one would get to know more about her through this book.

“As you turn the pages, you get to know Kareena more.”